CITE Board of Directors Welcomes Two Morrison Hershfield Staff
The Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) appointed Bruce Beames and Anthony Kwok to its Board of Directors during the Annual CITE Conference held in Ottawa this past month.
Both Bruce and Anthony are ready for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of them as Board appointees and look forward to working together with CITE to promote the profession of transportation engineering and planning. As Board members, they will liaise with the Canadian District of ITE on behalf of their regional Sections.
Bruce Beames – CITE President, Victoria Island Section
Bruce Beames’s involvement with CITE Vancouver Island Section dates back to 2011 when he was Secretary. He now assumes the role of Section President. After Bruce graduated from Lakehead University, he worked in Australia for ten years, the Middle East for another six years, and more recently in British Columbia and Ontario. Bruce looks forward to bringing some of this previous experience to the Vancouver Island Section and promoting the industry to the local professional community.
“Living in one of the quickest growing regions of the province, there are many opportunities to contribute to positive change with our transportation systems. I hope that my involvement in CITE will increase the introduction of new ideas and trends to my industry colleagues and the wider community. I am looking forward to the next two years as President of the Vancouver Island Section!” Bruce Beames
Anthony Kwok – Past CITE President, Ottawa Section
Anthony Kwok has been an active member of the CITE National Capital Section since 2013. His most recent roles include Past-President of the local Section and the Volunteer and Registration Chair for the CITE National Conference. Anthony’s involvement with CITE started as an undergraduate student at Carleton University, where he began as Technical Representative, and included the role of President of the Carleton University Student Chapter and as President of the National Capital Section in 2018.
Anthony credits his involvement in CITE to his early career mentors and peers who sparked his interest and encouraged his participation.
“It is an honor to be recognized by industry peers in my section to act on their behalf at the Board level.” Anthony Kwok
What is CITE?
The Canadian Institute of Transportation Engineers (CITE) is composed of over 2,000 transportation engineers, planners, technologists and students across Canada. CITE is an integral part of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), which consists of transportation professionals in more than 70 countries who are responsible for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on streets, highways and transit systems. The CITE Executive is working hard to bring information and ideas to its members.

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