Commuter Challenge 2018 – How Did We Do?
Once again this year, staff from Morrison Hershfield supported the annual Commuter Challenge, a week-long event that takes place during Canadian Environment Week. It is a friendly competition between Canadian cities and workplaces that celebrates active and sustainable transportation. This year’s Challenge included 17,480 participants from 1,511 workplaces, and avoided 258,132 kg of CO2.
Why did we participate?
Staff were encouraged to participate in the challenge for a number of reasons:
- For our Planet: About a third of Morrison Hershfield’s carbon footprint is commuting. We aim to reduce our impact wherever possible.
- For our Health: We are all for promoting a healthy lifestyle!
- To Save Money: Gas is expensive – it pays to explore the alternatives.
- For Fun: There’s nothing wrong with a little healthy competition!
How did we do?
Although the Commuter Challenge is Canadian-based, opportunities exist for international participation. Morrison Hershfield registered participants from 13 offices in Canada, the U.S. and India! Staff were encouraged to sign up for the Challenge, and swap their usual commute for a more sustainable one – such as walking, cycling, carpooling or taking transit to work or meetings, or to try telecommuting and video conferencing! We are proud to report that as a company, we registered over 150 participants and avoided more than 2800 kg of GHG emissions!
Our Calgary office had a 62% participation rate which was the highest of our Morrison Hershfield offices, and second highest of all companies in Calgary in their category. The Toronto office saved the most GHG emissions, at 654 kg. Seattle lead our U.S. offices with a participation rate of 40% and our India office got in on the Challenge with over 20% participation!
Throughout the week, sustainable commutes were tracked and staff were recognized for their achievements, such as most different sustainable modes used during the week, most kilometers walked and biked, and most innovative method used (a home-made electric bicycle!)
We applaud staff for their personal commitment to the environment and recognize that efforts towards sustainability are not a one-week pursuit. We can make a difference by choosing sustainable transportation 52 weeks of the year!

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