ECCC Waste-To-Energy Survey

Environment and Climate Change (ECCC) Waste-To-Energy Survey

On behalf of Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Morrison Hershfield (MH) is undertaking a waste-to-energy (WTE) survey to generate an inventory of industry participants providing services, technology or equipment related to WTE operations in Canada. The survey focuses on the thermal treatment of residual municipal solid waste (MSW) and wastewater biosolids.

Your organization’s participation in this survey will help ECCC and decision/policy makers understand the current state of WTE in Canada and the barriers faced by the WTE industry. It will also help identify where additional government involvement or support may be needed.

The information you provide is key to achieving ECCC’s objectives with respect to understanding the barriers and opportunities associated with value recovery through thermal treatment of MSW.

The straightforward survey will be administered via email. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to and the survey form will be sent to you. We look forward to your responses!

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ECCC Waste-To-Energy Survey

Morrison Hershfield is a market leading, employee-owned professional engineering and management firm that has been making a difference since 1946. We deliver technically sophisticated, cost effective and sustainable infrastructure solutions across the globe.

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