Morrison Hershfield Welcomes Srdjan Brasic and James Scale to Our Transportation Team
We are pleased to welcome Srdjan Brasic, P.Eng. and James Scale, P.Eng. to our Transportation team.
Srdjan Brasic, P.Eng. was named Vice President of Project Delivery, Transportation, and will serve as the Department Manager for the Roads and Highways division in Toronto.
He will draw on his 29 years of expertise in highway and railway bridge design and construction, as well as inspection, structural evaluation, rehabilitation, and feasibility studies.
Srdjan has extensive knowledge in roads, highways, structures and railway. His skillset and character will compliment Morrison Hershfield’s diverse Transportation team.
Some of Srdjan’s recent and high profile projects include:
- Chief Engineer – Waterloo LRT, DBOMF project by the Region of Waterloo and Infrastructure Ontario.
- Project Manager – Airport Rail Link Spur (“ARL Spur”), Design-Build-Finance project by Infrastructure Ontario on behalf of GO Transit / Metrolinx.
- Design Engineer – Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Toronto Pearson International Airport Redevelopment.
- Peer Review – Rehabilitation project for the Canadian National Railway, Fraser River Bridge, Vancouver.
- Project Manager – Feasibility Study, GO Transit / Metrolinx, Georgetown South Corridor Expansion - Strachan Avenue Grade Separation.
- Multiple City of Toronto bridge rehabilitation projects.
James Scale, P.Eng. was named Department Manager of the Roads and Highways division in our Burlington office.
He will draw on his 26 years of comprehensive highway and roadway managerial and design expertise on numerous provincial and municipal freeways, king’s highway and arterial roadway projects.
James has proven success in leading multidisciplinary project teams in the role of Project Manager and Highway Engineering Manager. He has been involved in all facets of the highway design process and is thoroughly familiar with MTO policies, standards, and practices.
Some of James’ recent roles and high profile projects include:
- Detail Design – Highway Engineering Manager for Highway 11, 17, 61, 599, 619 and 621 Seventeen (17) Structure Rehabilitations and Replacements, Stantec (Ministry of Transportation, Northwest Region managed by West Region.)
- Detail Design – Project Manager for Highway 404 Bridge Rehabilitations (Bethesda Rd, Vandorf Sideroad & St. John’s Sideroad), Ministry of Transportation, Central Region.
- Detail Design – Roadway Manager for Dundas and Brant Street Intersection Operational Improvements, Region of Halton.
- Design Build – Design Manager for QEW and Seventh Street Bridge Replacement and Interchange Improvements, EllisDon (Ministry of Transportation, Central Region).
- Detail Design – Project Manager and Roadway Engineering Manager for Renforth Gateway Transit Hub, GO, a Division of Metrolinx.

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