Summer Fun in Atlanta

There’s nothing like the draw of a little friendly competition to lure people away from their desks! Staff in Atlanta recently took advantage of the beautiful summer weather to enjoy an afternoon of fresh air, teamwork and a little fun!

Two teams of about 10 players each competed in a number of events, with team “Hershfielders” narrowly outperforming team “Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.” Field Day events included a Jump Rope Relay, Tug-O-War, Egg & Spoon Relay, Balloon Toss, Three-Legged Race and the Sponge & Bucket Relay. After the games, the day was capped off with a barbeque, an eclectic playlist and a lot of laughter. 

“As an Intern, being able to participate in the Atlanta Field Day made me feel like a part of the Morrison Hershfield family! With this being a major internship for me, it was nice to do something fun with the office because it allowed me to feel more connected with the other employees.” - Intern

“I was able to see the competitive side of some of my colleagues today! Everyone came prepared to win.  The Fun Committee did a great job organizing an event that brought us together to have a little fun and relieve some stress!” – Marketing Coordinator

“Field day was a perfect excuse to get outside, have a good time with my work family, and re-energize the whole office. I am amazed at how an afternoon of games and food brought everyone closer together. Events like this remind me how thankful I am to be a part of this passionate, hardworking, Morrison Hershfield team.” - Structural Engineer

By Morrison Hershfield | September 11, 2019 | | 0 Comments
Morrison Hershfield is a market leading, employee-owned professional engineering and management firm that has been making a difference since 1946. We deliver technically sophisticated, cost effective and sustainable infrastructure solutions across the globe.

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