Morrison Hershfield Welcomes Todd Baker, Global Waste Practice Lead
Morrison Hershfield is pleased to announce our new Global Waste Practice Lead is Todd Baker.
Todd’s solid waste portfolio includes a variety of waste consulting roles focusing on landfill design, organic residual waste management (including biosolids) and long term solid waste planning. He has developed a well-rounded set of experiences and skill sets that supports an integrated approach to helping clients. Todd has developed detailed financial models for evaluating alternatives (e.g. organics, WTE solutions), prepared all aspects of landfill design, developed long term solid waste plans (including public consultation), assessed greenhouse gas emissions for different solid waste functions and evaluated technologies for organics management, waste disposal and mixed waste processing.
“Our clients’ needs in the areas of waste reduction and diversion, resource recovery and residuals disposal have changed dramatically in the past decade. These changes also affect and challenge the financial sustainability of waste management systems. Todd’s career focus in both the technical and business aspects of waste management provides the necessary expertise to help clients address these issues.” - Don McCallum, Vice President, Environmental.
Morrison Hershfield’s solid waste team focuses on meeting client needs and solving their biggest challenges in an ever-changing market. We oversee solid waste infrastructure projects from start to finish, using our in-house permitting/approvals and engineering groups. Services include technology reviews, long-term planning, landfill design, financial options analysis, transfer station design, Zero Waste assessments and organics management reviews.
Todd enjoys leading projects that assess alternatives for clients so that they can develop a path forward that meets their overall corporate goals and targets. He uses technical know-how, innovation, experience and a good understanding of client needs to facilitate optimal solutions that provide the best overall value. Examples include:
- Developing practical approaches for assessing old closed landfills, using the latest landfill guidelines and best practices.
- As part of a third party design review, providing recommendations for liner design and landfill cell configuration that saved a client millions of dollars.
- Systematically analyzing costs and greenhouse gas emissions for numerous infrastructure options – preferred options for landfilling and compost capacity are currently in development.
- Assessing organic waste management alternatives that led to the development of a transfer station designed by Morrison Hershfield.
- Recommending changes to the management of recyclables in order to save transportation costs.
- Developing an optimum system of transfer stations and waste hauling for remote communities.
We invite clients, colleagues and friends to welcome Todd to his new role.

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